Terms and conditions

I dont want to sound grouchy....but every site has to have terms... I mean people should have common sense with things like this, but you can never be too careful :)

Ok, so everything on this site belongs to me -Susan Gregoria, UNLESS stated. I have spend endless hours on creations, it would be nice to show some respect for my work, please do not take things from my website, unless your are adopting, using bases, or have recieved my direct permission.

1.My dolls should only be used for adoption, you MUST provide a obvious link back to me - www...... .com.(This includes no linking to me in a size 0.5 font, )

2. Please DO NOT copy my designs, and use them as your own, or in a drap-and-drop.

3. Please DO NOT use my dollz to create a layout, unless you have had my direct permission.

4.please DO NOT edit my dollz, in anyway, this includes resizing, recolouring, and NO frankendolling.

5. DO NOT under any circumstances use my bases in a drag and drop, or pass my bases as you own.

6. If you see next to or under a doll the words "DO NOT ADOPT" Please do not abopt :)

6. Please do not direct link my dollz, please upload dollz to your own computer, as you are using up my bandwidth.

7. You can use my dollz as signatures, as long as you have provided a link back, and keep the copyright

8. I dont mind if you get insipired by my dollz, and make a similar one, but i'll know if you've copied it, resized it, croped it, and recoloured it, trust me, an artist knows there own work :)

Thanks :)

My dollz